African Waist Beads

Waist beads have traditionally been worn by African women since the 15th century. Some of the names of the beaded chains are: Giri-Giri, Yomba, Jigida, Jel-Jelli, Bin Bin, Ileke idi and Djalay Djalay. As much as they have been considered as symbols of sacred knowledge, with healing powers, they have also appeared in offerings for…

iNspire Journal Collection

Where has the time gone? Where have I been and what have I been up to? All great questions. Earlier this year I told myself that I would begin blogging on my personal website instead of here on wordpress. Needless to say, that was not a good idea. I love my personal site but wordpress…

Ready, Aim, Fire

Police Police shoot Police shoot black Police shoot black men Police shoot black men and women like they have a license to kill and it’s hunting season


I’ll pour love into you Pour love into the deepest parts of you Those hidden, seldom revealed places you’ve held for the most sacred I will love you Beyond reason or rhyme No need for space or time I’ll edify you with prayers in the name of your blessings I will petition God to resurrect…

Way Too Soon

I don’t want to be a cold slab of nothing thrown into the back of an awaiting tin can of a van I do not want to be toe tagged ready for my maker unable to take another breath of life I do not want to meet death without peace of knowing that every aspiration…


She wanted to see love so I scribed a hundred love poems with her name in every one Left permanent indentions of my intentions that could be seen even when the ink wasn’t present She wanted to smell love so I poured my heart and soul into grandma recipes and served her willingly until the…

Blueberry Mornings 7/30

Delicate has never been my style I’m more the fences, ditches, running with the boys type The only bushes I’ve played in has been between thick thighs and welcoming sighs I too found my thrill on blueberry hill She was juicy and sweet The thought of those moments linger I still crave hickies and tender…

Cornbread Loving 6/30

I can teach you to love through a pan of cornbread dressing This is the type of lesson that begins the night before Updated for health reasons Grab the largest pan you can find The type that looks like it can hold at least five gallons, Even if you don’t use all the water it’s…

Burning Leaves in Memory 5/30

I’ll never forget the smell of fresh burning leaves in the fall Smells like grandma Like Kiera, if you don’t get outside right now and rake those leaves I used to put lines in the dirt just to make it look clean It didn’t even matter that our laundry was hung in the front yard…