Let Me Spend The Night

I am attempting to work this morning but I am distracted. I have butterflies in my stomach. It is nothing new, I torment myself. I have exercised extreme self-control. Twisting and turning in my seat, I’m attempting to locate a comfort that can not be found. This itch… It needs to be scratched. Cee-Lo has captured…

Treating The Seriously Injured

My mother and I are night owls. This weekend we found ourselves up around three in the morning talking in the living room. While everyone else in the house quietly slumbered she spoke words to me that I haven’t been able to stop thinking of. I have always been a very ambitious person. I work…

Next Time May Be The Last

In 1995 my aunt’s boyfriend ended her life by slitting her throat. This happened after she suffered years of abuse by this man. I can vividly remember countless times of her coming “home” with broken bones and blackened eyes. She wouldn’t really talk about what had happened but each time she declared was the time…

Missing Black Fathers

There is a longstanding myth that African-American fathers are more often than not, lacking involvement with their children if not absent all together. The perception is that African-American fathers involved in their children’s lives are few and far between. This is a myth that needs to be dispelled. There is no denying that we need…